Project outline Wrabness Embankment is a 10m high earthwork on the Manningtree to Harwich line which has been subject to long-term deep seated slope movements affecting the track. The site has an extensive history of monitoring and repairs becoming Anglia RAM Team’s highest priority earthworks site for renewal. Murphy were commissioned to validate the existing F001 soil nailing scheme to determine opportunities for optimising and rationalising the design. By using specialist in house geotechnical skills to engage collaboratively with Network Rail and our designer, Atkins, Murphy was able to reduce of the cost of the works by nearly 40% from the initial budget estimate. The final scheme replaces the failing shoulder and damaged S&T troughing to provide a level standard cess walkway along the length of the site with improved access to a signal & lineside S&T structures. The planning of the scheme involved careful environmental consultation to allow work within a SSSI and close to the sensitive Stour Estuary RAMSAR site. Extensive planting along the toe of slopes is designed to provide habitat replacement for clearance enabling works. KEY FACTS Cost of the works reduced by nearly 40% from initial budget estimate due to in house geotechnical expertise and collaborative working 241 H piles 3.2m & 4m long installed from track via RRV 21,105m of soil nailing installed from the toe 14901 self-drill soil nails, typically 15m to 17m long