On behalf of our client, Network Rail, Murphy is replacing the Greek Street road bridge, located in the centre of Stockport, Greater Manchester. The bridge structure carries a roundabout with four approach roads, and beneath the bridge, five electrified railway lines carry trains on the West Coast Main Line from Manchester to London, as well as routes to Chester, Crewe, Sheffield, and the Peak District. To deliver the project, extended rail access arrangements will include an unprecedented 21-day railway closure to replace the structure. Preparation works including the installation of a temporary scaffold bridge were completed over Christmas 2024. Further works, such as the temporary diversion of all existing statutory services will take place this summer, along with enabling works and site clearance. The 21-day blockade will involve lowering the existing OLE to track level, cutting and removing the bridge in 130 sections using two 1000-tonne cranes. Subsequently, 50 new bridge sections will be installed, the OLE reinstated, and 350m³ concrete bridge deck constructed. After the blockade, waterproofing the structure will take place, followed by statutory service reinstatement into the new structure, removal of the temporary scaffold bridge, and installation of the new carriageway. KEY FACTS Project will see a 350m³ concrete bridge deck constructed To deliver the project, extended rail access arrangements will include an unprecedented 21-day railway closure to replace the structure 50 new bridge sections will be installed