PROJECT OUTLINE Murphy was awarded its first contract on the Dodder Greenway Framework in January 2020: The Dodder Greenway Phase 2. Since then, we have continuously worked on this framework with the successful tenders on subsequent Phases 3, 4 and 5. The Overall Dodder Greenway scheme extends over 14km and passes along the Dodder Valley from Inner Dublin City to the rural Dublin mountains. With the Completion of the Dodder Greenway Phase 5 project, Murphy has now constructed over 8km of this Greenway. Works have included the installation of shared cycleways, footpaths, greenspaces, landscaping, and three bridge crossings over the Dodder River at various locations along the route. Although developed as a combination of off road and on road, this greenway utilises existing facilities within the Dodder Valley as much as possible, to connect the linear parklands along the route. SUSTAINABILITY Murphy is committed to a sustainable legacy. On every project, we aim to design out unsuitable materials, trial new products, implement innovative measures, construction materials, and employ best practice to reduce the carbon footprint. The majority of our carbon emissions result from the use of plant, transport and machinery, therefore on the Dodder Greenway Project, we employed the following measures: Selected hybrid excavators and VT-hybrid-LED lighting towers, which are 94% more efficient and can operate silently, lowering Project-related noise. Deployed our new generation of fleet vehicles with capped CO2 ratings and an average of 109kgCO2/km, to reduce vehicle fuel consumption. Achieved lower Project-related mileage by making better use of teleconferencing for Project meetings and design development. Invested in new bespoke energy efficient Eco-cabins for site accommodation; Certified to ISO1406. KEY FACTS Safety is paramount in all that we plan and do at Murphy. We keep our people, our clients and the public safe, which in turn ensures the safe delivery of projects. The goal on this project was to achieve Zero Harm in everything we did with regard to Safety, Health and the Environment. With a total of over 200,000 person hours worked from January 2020 to October 2023, the project remained Lost Time Injury (LTI) free.