On behalf of our client, Network Rail, Murphy is replacing the Greek Street road bridge, located in the centre of Stockport, Greater Manchester. The bridge structure carries a roundabout with four approach roads, and beneath the bridge, five electrified railway lines carry trains on the West Coast Main Line from Manchester to London, as well as routes to Chester, Crewe, Sheffield, and the Peak District. To deliver the project, extended rail access arrangements will include an unprecedented 21-day railway closure to replace the structure. Preparation works including the installation of a temporary scaffold bridge were completed over Christmas 2024. Further works, such as the temporary diversion of all existing statutory services will take place this summer, along with enabling works and site clearance. The 21-day blockade will involve lowering the existing OLE to track level, cutting and removing the bridge in 130 sections using two 1000-tonne cranes. Subsequently, 50 new bridge sections will be installed, the OLE reinstated, and 350m³ concrete bridge deck constructed. After the blockade, waterproofing the structure will take place, followed by statutory service reinstatement into the new structure, removal of the temporary scaffold bridge, and installation of the new carriageway. KEY FACTS Project will see a 350m³ concrete bridge deck constructed To deliver the project, extended rail access arrangements will include an unprecedented 21-day railway closure to replace the structure 50 new bridge sections will be installed
Project Outline Murphy successfully completed the demolition and replacement of a 150 year old bridge on Downs Park Road in Hackney, London during a 16 day blockade. The bridge lies within a constrained location surrounded by residential and commercial properties including a Special Needs school, a block of residential flats and a secondary school consisting of 3,000 students. To help mitigate the impact on the community, the project team focused their efforts into the 16 day blockade, during which they installed a 32m long structure with a fanned filler beam deck. The bridge is planned to be re-opened in January 2025. KEY FACTS Demolition and replacement of a 150 year old bridge Carried out in a constrained urban location 32m long structure with a fanned filler beam deck
Project Outline The Transpennine Route Upgrade (TRU) is a major, multi-billion-pound programme of railway improvements which will bring better journeys to passengers travelling across the Pennines between Manchester, Huddersfield, Leeds and York. Murphy is working as part of an alliance with Network Rail, VolkerRail and Siemens, known as TRU East, on the York to Leeds section bringing in a programme of railway improvements that will bring faster, more reliable and greener journeys to passengers travelling across the Pennines and transforming the North for years to come. Works include: Electrifying the line Renewing the track Installing new track points Upgrading the signalling Improving drainage KEY FACTS Upgrade will help network accommodate environmentally friendly trains capable of travelling up to 125mph 570 yards of track renewed during one 29 hour possession
Project Outline The contract to deliver Cambridge South Station for Network Rail includes delivery of a two-storey, four platform station on the West Anglia Main, adjacent to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. This includes the construction of lifts, accessible toilets, baby changing stations, ticket vending machines and space for retail and catering. Alongside this, Murphy will also oversee the modifying of local roads and crossings to facilitate access to the station from pedestrians and cyclists. All of this creating ideal pathways of travel and better service for the residents of Cambridge South. The new station will also improve access to the adjacent Cambridge Biomedical campus, enhancing international biomedical research. KEY FACTS Murphy is maintaining the Principal Contractor role throughout the project through its self-delivery model and robust supply chain Live rail lines were re-routed to allow for works to continue without disruption to commuters Relocation of an existing GSMr mast was the first of its kind of an existing operational asset Significant earthworks undertaken to raise ground to required level
Project Outline Murphy was contracted by Network Rail to carry out the replacement of a 2,000-tonne rail bridge over the busy M62. Thanks to our self-delivery model and in-house teams, Murphy was able to provide an end-to-end service covering the demolition of the old bridge along with the fabrication and installation of the new structure. The 40m long, 450t bridge was fabricated by our specialist steel fabrication team at our state-of-the-art fabrication workshop in Newbridge, Co Kildare and travelled over 200 miles by land and sea to site. Engineers excavated over 50,000 tonnes of earth to create a safe and bespoke worksite next to the busy motorway to assemble the new bridge. Over two weekends in September, the M62 – which carries around 120,000 vehicles per day, was closed with the help of National Highways, and the 100+ strong team worked around the clock to remove the old bridge and install the new structure using a self-propelled modular transporter. The bridge was placed precisely onto the new cast in-situ cill beams over the central pier and abutments by our Transportation team. The new bridge is expected to last 120 years and will never need painting due to its weathering steel design. Following successful landing of the bridge, the team then renewed the track to ensure safe and efficient operation of the rail and highway network for future users. KEY FACTS End to end service with demolition, fabrication and installation all handled by Murphy teams Project saw the fabrication of Murphy’s largest ever Steel Bridge Demolition and install carried out over two weekend possessions to minimise disruption The new bridge is expected to last 120 years and will never need painting due to its weathering steel design
Project Outline Located on the Great Eastern Main Line between London Liverpool Street and Ipswich Beaulieu Park Station will be the first station built on the line in over 100 years. Murphy’s scope of work covers a new three-platform station; the station building with larch glulam roof; an Access For All footbridge (integral to station building); primary car park with 243 spaces and secondary remote car park with 462 spaces; a bus interchange, taxi rank, cycle storage and approximately 100,000m3 of earthworks, station fit-out, station information and security systems; mechanical, electrical and public health; and Distribution Network Operator connection works. Beaulieu Park station is currently expected to be completed by end of 2025. Once open, the station will be managed by Greater Anglia and served by its fleet of new trains with services into London. KEY FACTS First station built on the Great Eastern Main Line in over 100 years Three platforms with a central loop line and new tracks to enable stopping services to call at the station while allowing fast trains to pass through unimpeded 100,000m3 earthworks 27,000 blockade hours during Christmas works with no incident
Project outline Wrabness Embankment is a 10m high earthwork on the Manningtree to Harwich line which has been subject to long-term deep seated slope movements affecting the track. The site has an extensive history of monitoring and repairs becoming Anglia RAM Team’s highest priority earthworks site for renewal. Murphy were commissioned to validate the existing F001 soil nailing scheme to determine opportunities for optimising and rationalising the design. By using specialist in house geotechnical skills to engage collaboratively with Network Rail and our designer, Atkins, Murphy was able to reduce of the cost of the works by nearly 40% from the initial budget estimate. The final scheme replaces the failing shoulder and damaged S&T troughing to provide a level standard cess walkway along the length of the site with improved access to a signal & lineside S&T structures. The planning of the scheme involved careful environmental consultation to allow work within a SSSI and close to the sensitive Stour Estuary RAMSAR site. Extensive planting along the toe of slopes is designed to provide habitat replacement for clearance enabling works. KEY FACTS Cost of the works reduced by nearly 40% from initial budget estimate due to in house geotechnical expertise and collaborative working 241 H piles 3.2m & 4m long installed from track via RRV 21,105m of soil nailing installed from the toe 14901 self-drill soil nails, typically 15m to 17m long
Project Outline At Three Colts Lane a 500t crane was utilised to dismantle and rebuild an existing rail steel underbridge. Space constraints and a complex OLE layout on a curve dictated that the works were constructed without the removal of the OLE. High winds over the Christmas period also impacted delivery however a concerted effort over the final four days of the programme by the Murphy team and supply chain partners resulted in a right time hand back of a structure deferred from previous control periods due to engineering difficulty.