Congratulations to colleagues in our SHES and Transportation teams who were recognised at the Network Rail SHELT awards this week with two wins and a highly commended for their efforts to protect workers and the environment.

Our collaborative project with the University of Salford, developing and implementing a Breathe Easy campaign and air sampling/monitoring schedule, took the ‘Physical Health’ award. This initiative tests robust control management of dust and welding fumes in the workplace, to ensure the wellbeing of our frontline workforce and supply chain.

In the ‘Railway that Cares for the Environment’ category, The Environmental Visual Standard, a groundbreaking tool, was the day's winner. This innovative tool uses 3D virtual worksites to provide a series of interactable constraints that should be considered during the stages of the project lifecycle, enhancing understanding and planning of onsite environmental constraints.

Finally, colleagues were highly commended in  ‘Supply Chain Management’ for their integration of a four stage approach to our Supplier portal, enhancing our delivery model.

Well done to all involved for overseeing projects that support our core goal of improving life by delivering world-class infrastructure.

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